April 13 - 20 Weekly Assignment Grid
Recommended (Literacy and Math)
Digital Citizenship
Book review
Explorer Biography
Word Problems #2
Math Games
Approximate time to complete (Total = 5 hours / 300 minutes)
- 45 min
- 90 min
- 90 min
- 30 min
- 30 min
- 15 min
Optional and Extra
Free reading -- Read a book you have at home, an ebook from the Calgary Public Library, a book from RazKids or Epic!
Free writing -- Write a story, a poem, an article, a journal entry, or anything you like!
Magazine -- Work on your magazine in Google Drive (finish anything that is not done, add a “Jokes” page, or your own ideas)
Math -- play Prodigy
Art -- Follow along with a “How To Draw” video
Typing Club -- practice your typing skills
Math / Literacy Games -- go to one of the following websites: